Wednesday 8 July 2015

Why the idea of part time MBA is bad?

I ll tell you something but you might not believe me just yet. MBA is totally different from what you think.
Now why would you believe me on that?
Well there is a saying, "until you don't open the door, you don't actually know what's really inside the room, until then u just can peek from the windows which give you partial views of everything you see."
FRANKLY..there isn't a saying like that....I just made something up!

So here am I, opened this door, standing inside. I thought it might be something usual.
Something I know already, something I can relate to very easily.
Something which would be a left hand job.

But here I am, getting hold of the totally new perception of life in an MBA school.. or fashionably called B-school.
The first thing you are told here is that the world is much more smarter than you, and all that you know is part of what has been told to you which is absolutely bullshit or lame.

And then you are taught the better part, the actual thing, things that make the world go round.

Ok that was the boring academic part....

Moving on, I tell you, the kind of people you meet in this part of the education scenario is just brilliant. They all have worked hard in their lives. They all are positive about their future.

They all are happy with whatever they have done, and are real winners.

Exceptions are always there though, in this case me.

I think i am the most dumb guy in this campus of mine(NMIMS hyd).( I shouldn't have said that!)
Everyday you meet new people, and you discover the things you should have done while u were busy watching TV series in a grad school somewhere in this supernation.

In graduation colleges, you are a stud if you are in a society or something, etc.
Here things are like, it is compulsory for you to be a part of a club or society.

There are people, who started their business at a time i didn't even know the word business.

Trust me, if you go for an executive MBA, you won't meet these kind of people, the kinda environment you are in for 2 years among these winners and thinkers, that's amazing.

Now i am going to tell you something which you promise me you won't tell anyone..
PLEASE.. I go....
I came 3 days late, being casual about it, i entered the class. By that evening, almost 1000000 people asked me why did i come late? that too from my own batch. Like i have done something of a crime or something...

it was later that i discovered that bacchaa its not you mechanical engineering where in you go to a 1hr long class..45 mins late. This shit is gotta be on time..

the above part I learned when I reached 10mins late in a guest lecture after which I was called in front of the class and told not come late in a manner that I remember it till now, very effectively.

Well.. that's all for now.. i ll keep you updated.. sacchi!

DISCLAIMER:This article was written as a task given by a beautiful have completed the task.. now i want your number!

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